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Six reasons to choose Gas Heat Pumps for your next HVAC project

By: Adam Westbury

Date: 1st October 2019

Increased market awareness in the technology of Gas Heat Pumps (GHP) has meant we’re now seeing more and more of our clients choose Gas Heat Pumps (GHP) over Electric Heat Pumps, for their HVAC projects. Here are 6 compelling reasons why:

  1. Lower running costs with up to 70% reductions
  2. Higher efficiency with waste heat recovery able to provide an additional heat source, which can be used to heat the water supply, for instance
  3. Massive reduction in peak demand energy requirements for more stabilised levels over any period
  4. No electricity upgrades required, providing significant cost and time savings for your project
  5. Smaller footprint and quieter operation means GHPs can be installed in a wider variety of locations
  6. Environmentally friendly with reduced NOx, SOx and CO2 emissions

ATS is a UK distributor, installer and maintainer of Yanmar’s specialist Gas Heat Pumps, which we can seamlessly integrate into our HVAC systems, when they are the best option.

Yanmar Gas Heat Pumps are ideal solutions for pharmaceutical warehousing, restaurants, hotels, shops, showrooms, hotels, schools, hospitals, care centres, sports clubs, recreational facilities, office buildings, factories and a multitude of other applications.

For more information about the benefits of Gas Heat Pumps or to talk to one of our experts about your forthcoming project, please call Kevin Gillen or Ryan Walsh on 01527 833383 or email or

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