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Great Audit Results

By: Adam Westbury

Date: 9th June 2020

During May we faced 2 external audits; our annual Achilles audit & our continuing BSI ISO:9001 audits.

Normally we are assessed in each case by an external auditor attending the office where our operating procedures are reviewed and checked and the paperwork on various projects sampled, along with a visit to a nearby site.

This year looked very different with the Achilles audit undertaken remotely via MS Teams with the team answering questions and presenting evidence. We are pleased to report that we scored 100% on this audit. The site visit element was postponed until a later stage.

For this audit we sampled work from the recent DHL project and were able to demonstrate great compliance with the questions asked. The Achilles audit / assessment is a requirement of many of our clients in the utilities and nuclear sectors, with specific questions asked by their board, with the board being assembled through various stakeholders in the industries so really focusses on what matters to them. This is a fantastic result and a good improvement on last year’s score.

The BSI audit was done using WebEx, this is important to demonstrate that the systems we use and high standards are distributed amongst our teams and the auditor likes to hear from a range of people across the business. The BSI audit is a lot more in-depth – we have 2 per year, across a total 3-year cycle with each audit focussing on a different area of the business.

This audit focussed on:

· How the business is faring through Covid-19 & Business Continuity.
· Our internal audit process.
· Progress of the Maintenance department/improvements
· The Approved Vendor process.
· Sampling of project work against process within Team JETFLO.

The audit went really smoothly and the auditor was very complimentary in all of the sampled areas and gave special mention as to how resilient our business is proving to be during the current pandemic.

Overall a fantastic result, special thanks to all those involved.

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